
Matt Pond PA — “I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight”
(from Winter Songs) — I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight - Winter Songs EP

This would probably have been much more cute (not to mention relevant) had it been posted before the holiday rather than days after the fact, but I was so swamped trying to get ready to leave town for Christmas that I never got a chance to get this posted, so please forgive me my tardy proud father moment here: one brisk evening early last week, A and I took our beloved shmoofy-head out for her very first experience of admiring Christmas lights, and while it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the things she sorta likes from those that she really likes — if only because she always seems to hurl her entire being toward enjoying whatever the heck she’s doing in any given moment of her day — I choose to believe that she had the time of her life meeting all the new people she encountered and taking in all the serenely illuminated beauty. (The photos below would seem to bear that out amply.)




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