
no candles, please

posted at 9:13 am by brandon in and many more, from channel four

With all the Buzz’s talk of birthdays, I s’pose I’d be remiss if I didn’t reveal that today is my 32nd. A already spilled the beans in the guestbook early this morning, so now he has a proper forum.

Coming this week: a surprisingly charitable review of the new Coldplay record, a tribute to my all-time favorite soap opera, and a post entitled “Lessons from a Fun-as-Hell Road Trip.” As you can tell, I’m having a bit of trouble getting into the groove again following my vacation, but hang in there. The Buzz is ’bout to come back swingin’.

6 responses to “no candles, please”

  1. the buzz from Chip:

    Happy birthday! I’m heading out of here on Thursday to come down your way. I hope we actually get to see each other — and I’d love you to take me to one of your favorite music stores while I’m there.

  2. the buzz from J.B.:

    Happy birthday! 🙂 Didn’t realize that you were so much older than me… *grin*

  3. the buzz from Sherry Ann:

    Happy Birthday my B-Bop-A-Lula! I promise we will party like it’s 1999 when I see you next month. Love ya!

  4. the buzz from Ben:

    Happy Birthday! I am so taking you out for lunch when I move back in TWO WEEKS!!!

  5. the buzz from Mike T:

    And a belated happy birthday to you!

  6. the buzz from brandon:

    Everyone: Thanks a ton for the happy b-day messages!

    Chip: I’ll email you with my phone number; of COURSE we’re going music shopping!

    Ben: No WAY!!

    Sherry Ann: Bet. Your. Ass.

    Jared: With age comes wisdom, and with wisdom, beauty. Hang in there, slugger.