the Buzz for April 25th, 2011


Amanda Marshall — “Love Lift Me” (from Tuesday’s Child) — Love Lift Me - Tuesday's Child

The hilarious comedian Sinbad recently took to Twitter to inquire as to the whereabouts of this bracingly terrific Canadian singer/songwriter, a brilliant blend of equal parts Carole King and Pat Benatar who made three tremendously fine albums for Columbia around the turn of the century but still managed to get herself mired in the tricky political minefield of post-Lilith female-fronted pop music. I myself thought it to be a valid question as well — indeed, I’ve been trying to track her down and drag her over to Brandon’s Buzz Radio for eons now, and she literally seems to have dropped off the planet — so ‘Manda, if you’re reading this, please phone home my darling, because fans of sophisticated, smart music are being blown off the map by that ridiculously rancid tart Ke$ha and a mortifying multiplicity of her ilk, and we miss and need you ferociously, lady.