
light the candles

posted at 11:23 am by brandon in him him him

This very day — June 5, 2008 — A is out in Calla-forny celebrating his 29th birthday. He insisted he wasn’t planning on doing anything special, no matter how much I pleaded with him to at least go buy himself a birthday pretzel, or a birthday Jamba Juice, or a birthday slice of Stefano’s Pizza. So I’m asking you all to help me guilt him into treating himself indulgently today. (Oh, and to send along birthday wishes, too!)

Happy 29th, A! We love you in the heart!

7 responses to “light the candles”

  1. the buzz from Mike:

    Happy Birthday, A, (or may I call you Eh?) 🙂

    May I be the first one to inform you that you are now in your 30th year? 😀

    Have a great day,


  2. the buzz from brandon:

    HA HA! See, A, I’m not the only one who thinks this way!

  3. the buzz from A.:

    Brandon, wow! This is the first public invitation to wish me a Happy Birthday that I have seen since my nursery school days. I’ll also consider it as a public service announcement for some of my forgetful friends. Do I get to post something similar when you turn thirty-something?

    Mike, well, thanks for your wishes and the reminder! I’ll try to make this thirtieth year of my life memorable, but I can still truthfully claim that I am still in my twenties.

  4. the buzz from brandon:

    Honey, when you get your own blog, you can post whatevah you please. May I suggest… “A’s Plays”?

  5. the buzz from Sherry Ann:

    Happy Birthday A! I hope that you had a really great day. You are the only person that I will voluntarily share my birthday month with. As for B, he is just jealous because he left his twenties behind years ago.

  6. the buzz from brandon:

    Jealous, hell! With age comes wisdom. With wisdom, beauty. With beauty, grace. I’ll take smart, pretty, and elegant over twentysomething any day of the week. And twice on Sunday!

  7. the buzz from A.:

    Thanks for the wishes, Sherry Ann! Hope you’re preparing well for your upcoming birthday!

    As for wisdom, beauty, grace, and all that, a person of any age can possess them. Besides, to quote Tom Wilson, “Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.”