the Buzz for June 15th, 2013


Jimmy Eat World — “Please Say No” (from Damage) —

It’s Sherry Ann’s birthday this fine Saturday, and she informed me last year that her favorite gift is usually the annual blog post, starring her, which appears on this website every year on this day. (When I was a plumb fool last year and failed to acknowledge her birthday in a timely fashion here on the Buzz, she was not at all bashful in letting me know precisely how unhappy she was about it, and trust me: won’t be making that mistake ever again.) I wish I had more time to write reams about what a fabulous woman, magnificent mother, and ferociously fantastic friend she is, but alas, I can only offer her this meager pittance of a paragraph. She was supremely excited to learn that one of her favorite bands was releasing their latest album on a week which happened to contain her birthday, so in honor of Sherry Ann Day, the Buzz’s speakers are blasting this tune, a haunting (and even a tad depressing, which is their wont) highlight from Jimmy Eat World’s rough-hewn new record. So, so much love to you, my bestest of best friends, today and always.