
Bruce Springsteen — “We Take Care of Our Own”
(from Wrecking Ball) — We Take Care of Our Own - Wrecking Ball

Certainly conjuring his strongest (and most acutely focused) effort since The Rising (and quite possibly since Born in the U.S.A.), the Boss hurls himself back into the mix with a grandiose (and, also, rather grand) new album, and not a moment too soon: just as Rising surveyed the shaky patchwork of our post-9/11 reality, and Born took the country’s frustrated measure four years into the sharply divisive Reagan age, Wrecking Ball dares to shine a light on the heresy and hypocrisy of a nation founded on the principles of democracy and freedom allowing the aspirational allure of the American dream to be snatched clean out of the hands of ninety-nine percent of its populace. A knockout punch from one of society’s keenest observers.

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